Learn how to use Smart Notes!
Smart notes are here to help you organize your daily trading notes. It does this by consolidating everything, across all your notes, into organized data that is quickly accessible and displayed to you when and where you need it. At least, that is the goal.
From Smart Notes, you can create watchlists, and categories, and link all your ticker notes together.
Ticker notes help you organize your data for each ticker. Simply start a ticker note by typing the ‘$’ symbol followed by the ticker, then press enter. The ticker is hyperlinked, so you can click on the ticker to see all the notes you have taken for that ticker, as well as a Quick Link button to quickly access all of your news sources.
Ticker sub-categories (‘:’ prefix) and hashtags (‘#’ prefix) help you organize and view your data. In addition, both will be searchable and linkable for viewing statistics or finding common trends.
Upcoming search features will include
“Show me my statistics for all #MorningDipBuys within the last 30 days”. Or “how many companies are running with #EarningsWinner ”, and much more!
Enhance your ticker notes by adding #date or #time tag keywords. This allows you to do research and markup your ticker notes with past or future dates/events. The notes will be parsed on the date/time that you add. So, if you're taking notes and want the catalyst to be applied/parsed to the correct day the catalyst was released, just add the #date tag.
The #date and #time tag is applied to all notes under the $TICKER, unless it is within a ticker subcategory. Then it is only applied to that sub-category.
#date MM/DD/YYYY
#time HH:MM AM/PM
What if we had a way to combine all our notes that have a similar topic across all the notes we take. Like "Study Notes", "New Strategies", "Weekly Analysis", or just a "todo" list. That's what Categories are.
Instantly see all the notes that you have taken for this ticker. Then quickly open its chart or find out why it's moving!
A quick access dictionary to look up any stock market related term.
All notes are parsed on the current day when they are saved. Notes from previous days can still be edited however, the features will not be re-parsed.
Notes auto-save when you ‘Load’ another day, and when you close the smart notes page. This way you never lose your data.