Statistics Guide

Understanding your Statistics!


Where did the original bar chart go.

It's still there! I just merged it with the rest of the bar chart data to display additional stats using the Date timeline. The same data can be found by going to Statistics -> Bar chart, then select "Date" and "Net Profit".

Why don't I see all my trades

For each aggregated range (each bar), there is a requirement of 3 trades with at least 1 winning trade and 1 losing trade for the statistics to be computed. If the aggregated range is too small, there may not be enough trades within a bar to be included.

Why does the number of trades change when I update the aggregation?

For each aggregated range (each bar), there is a requirement of 3 trades with at least 1 winning trade and 1 losing trade for the statistics to be computed. If the aggregated range is too small, there may not be enough trades within a bar to be included.

For example, if I have 10 trades with duration of 1m, 2m, 3m, ... , 10m, and the aggregation is set to "1 minute", then no data would be shown. There would be only one trade per bar (not enough to compute statistics on). If you update the aggregation to "5 minutes", then you would see all 10 trades. The first five trades (1-5m) would be used in the first 5-minute range bar and the next five trades (5-10m) would be used in the next 5-minute range bar.

What does the "weight" checkbox do?

The weighted checkbox divides the bars into 4 evenly distributed weight groups based on the number of trades used to compute the statistics. The more trades used to calculate the statistics, the more solid (less transparent) the bar is.

What does the "Include Unrealized" checkbox do?

Open trades only

If the trade is open and unrealized profits are not included, then the trade will not be included in the statistics.

If the trade is open and unrealized profits are included, then the trade will be included in the statistics, and the net profit will reflect both realized and unrealized profits.

The latest price for the stock within an open trade is fetched ever 15 minutes.



This is a bar chart version of a calendar. It is a timeline of all your trade data aggregated by day, week, month, or year.


This shows your stats based on how long you were in a trade. It can help you identify what duration of holding a trade are you most confortable with and/or profitable?

Time of Day

This shows your stats based on the time of day you enter a trade. What time of day do you make the most trades? Are you more profitable during a certain time?

Position Size

This shows your stats based on the total position size (dollar amount) of a trade. Is there a particular size that you are more comfortable trading? or have a higher performance?

Stock Price

This shows your stats based on the average stock price you enter a trade. Is there a stock price that you tend to trade better at?


Win %

This is your winning percent calculated by taking the total number of winning trades divided by the total number of trades.

Avg % G/L

This is your average percent gain divided by loss. It is calculated by taking the average percent profit of winning trades divided by the average percent loss of losing trades.

Avg $ G/L

This is your average dollar gain divided by loss. It is calculated by taking the average profit of winning trades divided by the average loss of losing trades.

Net Profit

This is the total (the sum) of your net profit. Net profit equals your gross profit minus your gross loss and fees.

Avg $ Net

This is your average, per trade, net profit. It is calculated by taking the net profit divided by the number of trades.


The color coding is for entertainment purposes only and is not trading advice nor stock market advice. You may use the following color coding as a personal game or goal, trying to get all green. Focusing on areas to improve, waiting for the best setups, improving patience, entry's and exits, etc.

Note: The chart bars only use green or red colors following the rules below. The statistics text use all the colors following the rules below.

Winning %

Red: less than 50%
Orange: less than 58%
Blue: Less than 66%
Green: 66% or greater

Avg % G/L ratio

Red: less than 0.90
Orange: less than 1.30
Blue: Less than 2.00
Green: 2.00 or greater

Avg $ G/L ratio

Red: less than 0.90
Orange: less than 1.30
Blue: Less than 2.00
Green: 2.00 or greater


We do not give any stock market advice nor recommendations. We are not a financial institution. We are not a financial advisor. Our application is only for the organization of user data. We do not guarantee this application will help you in any way. The data presented within this application is for information purposes only. Sean Mayes and My Trading Journal are not registered as securities broker-dealers or investment advisers. No information within this application or on supporting websites is intended as security brokerage, investment, tax, accounting or legal advice, or as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell, or even endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, fund, or security.